Order Entry Advanced Tax: Part 2

  • By zoltan-szakal

During the basic tax setup Enable Subtotals was turned on in each of the transaction definitions for which you wish use taxes.  Now that we are configuring advanced taxes we will need to return to each transaction definition that contain tax amounts and turn on Show expanded tax details.  The Show expanded tax details functionality was not uses in Order Entry basic tax so it will most likely be turned off.  When this functionality is enabled, multiple tax lines will be displayed separately on screen and on printed reports rather than being grouped together to show one total tax amount.  This is useful when you want State, Local and District tax to all be displayed separately and not lumped together as one generic tax amount.

First navigate to the Order Entry > Setup > Transaction Definitions list screen, locate the appropriate transaction definition and then click ‘Edit’.  In our example we will be adding the functionality to the Order Entry Sales Invoice transaction definition but this may need to be done for multiple transaction definitions, depending on your setup. Once the transaction definition is open in Edit mode scroll down to the Accounting section and there you should see the Enable Subtotals.  As stated above, this checkbox should have previously been checked but if it is not checked, please do so now.

When the Enable Subtotals checkbox is checked an additional checkbox appears at the bottom below the subtotal grid and is named Show expanded tax details.  Ensure you place a check mark in the Show expanded tax details box as shown below.


Before saving and closing your transaction definition it is important that the GL offset account value be set in the Transaction Subtotals section.


Note: This process must be completed for every Transaction Definition you wish to charge tax on.

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