Family Office Dashboards – The D In CCD

  • By zoltan-szakal


Many financial professionals who work in the Family Office space of the wealth management sector regularly experience the pain of CCD – Consolidation, Chart of Accounts and Dashboards.

Consolidation – Taking up to 100 hours across complex entity structures

Chart of Accounts – Growing out of control with inconsistencies between entities

Dashboards – Non-existent or relying on Excel spreadsheets

Today we will simply look at the Dashboards. Even from a quick perusal it is clear that they can be game changers for those professionals.

The illustrations below are real world examples of Dashboards that Intacct delivers to provide the information that Chief Financial, Chief Investment and Chief Executive Officers can use to get the information they need in order to make informed and agile decisions for their businesses on behalf of the investors they represent.

Have a look below and see how Intacct Dashboards can indeed be game changers.

We will be at the Family Office Super Summit Monday thru Wednesday of next week in Miami, Florida. If you are attending, visit our booth (we’ll even throw in some stress relief for you at no charge) and let us show you how we can help you “change the game”.

Change the game to

Continuous Consolidation – Reduce consolidation from 10’s of hours to minutes

Shared Dimensional Chart of Accounts – Reduce the number of entries from 10,000+ to 100’s, add a new entity in minutes

Dashboard Analytics – Instant shared access within and across entities

There’s a reason why over $500 Billion of AUM relies on Intacct




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